10 g for about 4 ramekins, each 70mm (2¾ inches) x 50mm (2 inches) high
120 g strongly steeped hojicha
Mixture A
10 g granulated sugar
10 g TREHA®︎
1.3 g granulated agar
95 g soy-based soft block cheese*, softened at room temperature
5 g white sesame paste
5 g limoncello
*Mame-mage (FUJI OIL. CO., LTD.)
Add mixture A into the steeped hojicha and bring to a boil to dissolve.
Whisk together the softened soy-based cheese and white sesame paste, add mixture from step 1 in gradually and mix, and then add limoncello in. Pour the mixture into ramekins, cool and set in the refrigerator.
Provides a silky, smooth texture.
Tempers the bitter taste and beany odor that is common with soybeans.
2 g hojicha leaves
78 g granulated sugar
23 g TREHA®
100 g water
Bring all ingredients to a simmer until the mixture reaches 66 °Brix. Let stand overnight and strain using a chinois strainer, making sure no tea leaves remain.
Provides a subtle sweetness, enhancing the aroma of hojicha in the syrup.
TREHA® as needed
Hojicha leaves or ground sesame seeds, as needed
Prepare round chablon stencil on silicone baking mat in a baking pan. Spread TREHA® evenly, then remove the cheblon stencil.
Sprinkle with hojicha leaves or ground sesame seeds, then bake in the oven at 170℃/340℉ for 4-5 minutes. When cooled, carefully remove from the silicone baking mat.