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  • Résurrection (A two-layer piece featuring turmeric-flavored almond paste and orange pâte de fruits)
Turmeric Paste

Minimum recommended manageable quantity; recipe is triple the amount needed for 1 batch.

  • 170 g fresh turmeric (peeled)

  • 80 g granulated sugar

  • 20 g sorbitol

  • 100 g water

  1. Combine all ingredients and simmer until the liquid has evaporated.
    (Estimated yield: 300 g)

Turmeric Almond Paste

Minimum recommended manageable quantity; recipe is 1.5 times the amount needed for 1 batch.

Basic Almond Paste

  • 700 g almonds (peeled)

Mixture A

  • 235 g water

  • 350 g granulated sugar

  • 60 g TREHA®

  • 60 g invert sugar

  • 100 g turmeric paste (as previously described)

  1. Blanch the peeled almonds for 2-3 minutes, then drain. Almond weight will increase to about 800 g due to water absorption.

  2. Process the almonds in a food processor until finely ground.

  3. Cook ingredients from mixture A until it reaches 113°C/235.4℉, then cool it down to 80-85°C/176-185℉. Pour this over the ground almonds from step 2 and mix well. Heat the mixture to 85°C/185℉ for sterilization.

  4. Add invert sugar and turmeric paste to the mixture from step 3, mix thoroughly, then spread onto a tray. Cover the surface directly with film.

TREHA®︎ benefit
  • Masks the odor of oxidation of fats from the almonds.

  • The freshness window can be extended by maintaining the moisture content.

Orange Pâte de Fruits (Orange Pectin Jelly)

One 36 x 36 cm mold, 3 mm thickness

Mixture B

  • 200 g orange juice

  • 3 g orange zest

  • 70 g apricot puree

  • 1.5 g pectin*

  • 30 g TREHA®

  • 300 g granulated sugar

  • 45 g glucose syrup (DE39-40)

  • 1.8 g citric acid solution (50%)

* Medium rapid set (Louis François)

  1. Combine ingredients of mixture B and heat to 40°C/104℉.

  2. Blend TREHA® and pectin. Stir this mixture into to step 1 and slowly bring to a boil.

  3. Maintain a steady boil, gradually add granulated sugar, then add glucose syrup.

  4. Continue boiling until the mixture attains a Brix level of 74% (MAX).

  5. Stir in the citric acid solution and pour into a 36 cm square mold, 3 mm in thickness.

TREHA®︎ benefit
  • The gel develops over time, achieving a consistency that ideally complements the texture of other elements.

  • Additionally, it minimizes water release, effectively preventing moisture transfer to the almond paste, which could otherwise hinder the enrobing process.

  • dark chocolate, as needed

  1. Spread the almond paste along a 36 cm square mold with a thickness of 5 mm. (Use about 850 g of the paste.)

  2. Place the almond paste on top of the pâte de fruits.

  3. Flip it over and thinly spread dark chocolate on the pâte de fruits side. Flip again and apply dark chocolate similarly on the almond paste side.

  4. Cut into bonbon-sized pieces and let dry for 6 hours. Finish by coating with dark chocolate using an enrober.


As an alternative if turmeric is unavailable, consider using a Clementine jam almond paste.

Clementine Jam

  • 1000 g Clementines

  • 500 g granulated sugar

  • 170 g TREHA®

  • 70 g sorbitol

  • 1 vanilla bean

  • 1000 g basic almond paste (as previously described)

  1. Boil the mandarins with their peels twice, discarding the water after each boil to remove any bitterness and impurities. Then add the other ingredients and simmer the mixture until it reaches approximately 68% Brix. After cooling, finely process it in a food processor.

  2. Use 320 g of this jam mixed with 1000 g of the almond paste (as referenced above).