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  • Foie gras grilled by V.C.C. with coarse-ground coffee from Bach Café, Hokkaido rhubarb comport with framboise, Foamed rhubarb syrup and confiture, With Ningyoyaki imbibered with SUZE liqueur
Foie gras
  • 1 piece foie gras

  • salt and pepper as needed

  • TREHA®︎ as needed

  • cake flour as needed

  1. Trim foie gras, then marinade with salt, pepper and TREHA®︎. Keep it for 6 hours in a refrigerator.

  2. Coat foie gras with flour, then grill with V.C.C.* V.C.C. help to remove excess oil from foie gras.

*Variocooking Center (a large pot-shaped cooking device) / Fujimak Corporation

TREHA®︎ benefit
  • Taste improvement

Ningyoyaki (Japanese-style doll-shaped pancake)
  • herbal liqueur*¹ as needed

  • syrup as needed

  • ½ piece Ningyoyaki*²

  • TREHA®︎ as needed

*¹ ‘SUZE’ made in France

*² Traditional baked confectionery in Japan. Batter close to pancake is baked in a doll-shaped mold. It is usually filled by bean paste; however, Ningyoyaki without filling is used for this recipe.

  1. Mix herbal liqueur and TREHA®︎ as 2:1.

  2. Slice Ningyoyaki into half thickness. Imbiber enough amount of syrup from 1.

  3. Dust Ningyoyaki with TREHA®︎.

TREHA®︎ benefit
  • Moisture retention

Rhubarb compote
  • 500 g rhubarb

  • 50 g TREHA®

  • 300 g granulated sugar

  • 100 g grenadine syrup

  • 100 g rose champagne

  • 50 g lemon juice

  • 400 g natural mineral water

  • ½ piece cinnamon stick

  • 1 pinch dried lemon verbena

  1. Peel a strip of stringy fibers off the surface of the rhubarb. Remove hard parts, and cut into 1 cm cubes.

  2. Toss 1 including fibers and removed parts through TREHA®︎, leave it until moisture comes out.

  3. Mix all ingredients in a pan, heat it to boil. Keep boiling for 5 minutes.

  4. Strain 3 through a sieve, then reheat it keeping 75 - 80℃/24 - 26℉.

  5. Cool it quickly by a bowl with icy water. Store compote with the syrup filled.

TREHA®︎ benefit
  • Retention of natural colors

  • Keeps shape and texture

  • Low sweetness

Foamed rhubarb syrup with a flavor of mint and lemon verbena
  • 10 g mint leaves

  • 10 g lemon verbena leaves

  • 250 g syrup from rhubarb compote

  • 100 g water

  • 10 g TREHA®

  • lecithin as needed

  1. Cut lemon verbena leaves into similar size of mint leaves.

  2. Mix syrup from rhubarb comport, TREHA®︎ and water in a pot, then heat it to a boil. Add mint and lemon verbena leaves, boil another 5 minutes. Strain it through a sieve.

  3. Add lecithin to 2, whip it by a hand blender.

TREHA®︎ benefit
  • Improve foam stability

Rhubarb confiture
  • rhubarb as needed

  • salt as needed

  • honey as needed

  1. Crush the rhubarb and heat in microwave (600W) for 3 minutes.

  2. Add salt and honey to taste.

Jellied canard consommé
  • 400 g canard consommé

  • 20 g Madeira wine

  • 20 g mirin (sweet sake)

  • agar as needed

  • salt as needed

  1. Boil down canard consommé to half amount.

  2. Add Madeira wine and mirin to 1, boil it again to evaporate alcohol.

  3. Add 1% weight of agar against 2, heat to dissolve. Strain the mixture through a sieve.

  4. Pour 3 into dome shaped silicone mold. Cool to set.

Food Presentation
  • coffee beans* as needed

  • 1 piece framboise

  • ginger as needed

  • spearmint leaves as needed

  • gold leaves as needed

  • freeze-dried framboise as needed

  • spice for pain d'épices as needed

*Roasted by Café Bach

  1. Place Ningyoyaki on a serving dish. Put grilled foie gras on the Ningyoyaki, then rhubarb confiture. Sprinkle coffee beans grounded by a pepper mill. Garnish with 4 pieces of rhubarb compote, 2 pieces of framboise cut by half, shredded ginger and spearmint leaves.

  2. Place canard consommé jelly and foamed rhubarb syrup. Sprinkle gold leaves.

  3. Serve with freeze-dried framboise and spice for pain d'épices on the edge of the plate.