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Exclusive Interview with Chef Yu Tanaka, The First Japanese Executive Chef Pâtissier at Hôtel Le Bristol, Paris
Nov 18, 2024
Team TREHA® @trehalose_madame
Meet Chef Yu Tanaka: The Executive Chef Pâtissier Representing Hôtel Le Bristol, a ‘Palace’ Hotel in Paris, with Passion and Innovation in French Pâtisserie.

Discover Chef Tanaka’s journey, unique creations, and dedication to raising TREHA®'s profile in the esteemed Hôtel Le Bristol kitchen.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Chef Yu Tanaka[田中 優] , who first reached out to us on Instagram @trehalose_madame. In this interview, Chef Tanaka shared his passion for TREHA® as an avid user and admirer, hoping to contribute to its recognition by word of mouth. Notably, he achieved the remarkable milestone of becoming the Japanese chef pâtissier at Hotel Le Bristol Paris, one of France’s prestigious “Palace” hotels.

The Posh Entrance of Le Bristol Paris ©Romain Réglade
The Posh Entrance of Le Bristol Paris ©Romain Réglade

Perhaps It All Started with a Childhood Encounter

Team TREHA®: Could you tell us about your history of using TREHA® ?

Chef Tanaka: Due to limited suppliers in France, I did not use trehalose extensively until I became a chef in 2022. However, I actually knew about TREHA® long before that. I first encountered it in a childhood TV commercial, where I vividly remember an alien character*¹ representing TREHA® it left a strong impression on me.

*¹ Note from Team TREHA®: The TV commercial aired in Japan from 2004 to 2011, and the character 'TREHA® Seijin' (TREHA® Alien) gained subtle popularity for its unique presence.

Team TREHA®: We never expected to hear about the TV commercial here in Paris, across the sea from Japan…Could you tell us why you started using TREHA® and what items you currently use it in?

Chef Tanaka: My primary goal was to reduce sweetness and improve the stability of meringue. Currently, I mainly use TREHA® in biscuits, meringue, sugar-based creations, and a range of frozen desserts.

Team TREHA®: I see. How often do you use TREHA® ?

Chef Tanaka: I use it daily, as it’s essential for biscuits and a variety of frozen desserts.

Chef Tanaka working in the vast hotel kitchen, where he leads a team of many pâtissiers. ©Franck Juery
Chef Tanaka working in the vast hotel kitchen, where he leads a team of many pâtissiers. ©Franck Juery

Recipes Brimming with the Chef's Sensibility

  • Chocolate Mint Guimauve/ Guimauve Chocolat Menthe Recipe

Team TREHA®: Could you explain some recipes you use TREHA® in?

Chef Tanaka: The first item is guimauve chocolat (chocolate marshmallow). TREHA® helps stabilize to create meringue, strengthening its structure, as air bubbles tend to collapse when adding chocolate or other fats.

Chocolate Mint Guimauve, served as a post-meal mignardise. A refreshing mint flavor complements the chocolate, creating a delightful balance on the palate.
Chocolate Mint Guimauve, served as a post-meal mignardise. A refreshing mint flavor complements the chocolate, creating a delightful balance on the palate.
  • Strawberry Charlotte/ Charlotte aux Fraises Recipe

Chef Tanaka: For charlotte cake, I use TREHA® in each component: biscuits, jam, mousse, and glaze. TREHA® stabilizes air bubbles in biscuits. In the jam, it reduces sweetness while enhancing the color of the fruit, giving a vibrant appearance and long-lasting aroma. The mousse, which requires freezing, benefits from TREHA®’s freeze-thaw stability and moderated sweetness. Finally, I add it to the glaze to reduce sweetness and maintain the fresh fruit color.

Strawberry Charlotte, showcasing the vibrant color of the strawberries, created with an original mold designed by Chef Tanaka.
Strawberry Charlotte, showcasing the vibrant color of the strawberries, created with an original mold designed by Chef Tanaka.
  • Apricot Tarte Tropézienne/ Tarte Tropézienne Abricot Recipe

Chef Tanaka: In the Tarte Tropézienne, TREHA® allows me to create a cream with moderate sweetness. And it also helps brioche from drying out the next day. 

Apricot Tarte Tropézienne. For the French, this dessert brings back memories of summer holidays. It’s named after Saint-Tropez on the Côte d'Azur, a popular summer retreat.
Apricot Tarte Tropézienne. For the French, this dessert brings back memories of summer holidays. It’s named after Saint-Tropez on the Côte d'Azur, a popular summer retreat.

Team TREHA®: These are traditional recipes, but in the chef’s hands, they have become truly beautiful, a perfect example of a reimagined recipe. Has using TREHA® extended the shelf life of your products?

Chef Tanaka: At Le Bristol, we don’t typically store items long-term, but TREHA® maintains quality for an extended period in confections like guimauve (marshmallow). Its barrier effect prevents drying, reduces water separation, and minimizes discoloration, resulting in greater stability and longer-lasting freshness. 

Team TREHA®: Since you mentioned “longer-lasting freshness,” we’re curious—are you implementing any sustainable practices in your work? Sustainability is important to us, as Nagase Viita is committed to reducing environmental impact.

Chef Tanaka: I don’t particularly focus on sustainability, but I prioritize customer satisfaction and avoid wasting quality ingredients. 

Looking Ahead

Team TREHA®: Are there any other recipes you’d like to try using TREHA® in?

Chef Tanaka: Having previously worked in a boulangerie, I enjoy making bread and would love to incorporate viennoiserie (breakfast pastries) and sweet breads into the hotel’s afternoon tea service. I am excited about the benefits TREHA® can bring to breadmaking. I am also willing to help in any way I can to raise TREHA®'s profile in France.

Team TREHA®: Thank you so much! Team TREHA® is honored to hear that from you. Lastly, could you share your future plans?

Chef Tanaka: Becoming chef pâtissier at a prestigious “Palace” hotel was a major milestone for me, fulfilling my childhood dream. Now, my next goal is to pursue an even greater challenge: earning the title of MOF (Meilleur Ouvrier de France).

Team TREHA®: Thank you, Chef Tanaka, for taking the time to speak with us. Your support is a tremendous asset to Team TREHA®, and we wholeheartedly cheer for your continued success and bright future.

(Interviewed at Le Bristol Paris in September 2024)

[Our guest today]

Yu TANAKA(田中 優)
Exécutive Chef Pâtissier de l’Hôtel Le Bristol Paris (Executive Chef Patissier at Hotel Le Bristol Paris)

Le Bristol Paris - Chef Pâtissier Yu Tanaka  ©Franck Juery
Le Bristol Paris - Chef Pâtissier Yu Tanaka ©Franck Juery

Born in Fukuoka, Japan, in 1990. At 14, inspired by his father, he aspired to become a pâtissier. At 18, he moved to France, gaining experience working under, Sadaharu AOKI*², and a Michelin-starred restaurant.

He joined Hotel Le Bristol as a sous-chef and has held his current position since 2022.

*² Sadaharu AOKI[青木定治]is a renowned patisserie chef with establishments in France and Japan. Since 2007, he has been a member of Relais Desserts, supported by Nagase Viita alongside other sponsors.

Click on titles to explore Chef Tanaka’s signature recipes, crafted and developed by him:

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