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Nice to meet you all! Welcome to TREHA's Food Blogs & Stories.
Oct 4, 2021
Team TREHA® @trehalose_sensei
Thank you for joining our exploration to in-depth Japanese food cultures and traditions.
  • Welcome on board!

  • How did Trehalose become widely recognized in Japan?

Nice to meet you all! Welcome to TREHA®'s Food Blogs & Stories.

TREHA®︎ (common name trehalose) is the Japanese trade secret used in hundreds of Asian foods for decades. TREHA® is a plant-based food ingredient with the amazing natural ability to extend many aspects of freshness in foods. (Click here to learn more about what TREHA® is.)

In this blog, we touch on diverse topics about Japanese food cultures, practices together with the culinary secret, TREHA®, and its important role in the Japanese food industry. We hope our blog helps you obtain in-depth knowledge of Japanese cuisine and the science behind it, which is hard to find elsewhere.

Target: Foodservice industry members


  • Japanese food cultures and traditions / Tips for a healthy lifestyle

  • Japanese food ingredients and materials and how to use them

  • A bit of food science for your culinary inspiration

  • Recipes and chefs' experience and experiments

It is our greatest pleasure to see our blog becomes a source of inspiration and motivation for chefs and hard-working community members in the foodservice industry.

Our study revealed the awareness of trehalose among Japanese female consumers is about 75%! So what was the reason behind it?

According to the results of the survey on trehalose in July 2021, TV commercials were the top contributor to raise awareness of trehalose. About half of individuals who have used or recognized trehalose (455 out of 923) answered they learned from TV commercials. The commercials featured a unique trehalose-loving alien family teaching humanity about various facts of trehalose with humor. Although the commercials ended 10 years ago, awareness still remains because of its novelty in advertising a food ingredient.

The second contributor was TV programs. Trehalose appeared on the TV programs featuring Hayashibara's web project to support the confectionary stores throughout Japan. They are the manufacturers of region-specific delicacies for tourists as well as trehalose users who suffered from loss of business due to the pandemic. In addition, a TV program featured trehalose as one of the essential ingredients of a nationally known sports drink. We believe those exposures certainly spread the word of trehalose.

Although the percentage is still low, the recognition through social media has more than doubled from 2020. In particular, it became clear that people in their twenties are highly informed by social media.
Trehalose is now advertised on digital signage installed above the windows of the Yamanote Line, one of Tokyo's busiest lines that carry over 3 million passengers per day in accordance with East Japan Marketing & Communications, Inc.

TREHA® has been used in hundreds and thousands of commercial products to retain moisture, enhance flavors and increase stability for over 20 years. In addition, professional Japanese chefs have been putting their trust in TREHA® to achieve their culinary success. TREHA® is truly a culinary secret, playing an essential role in the Japanese food industry and food culture.

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We regularly update the blog about the food culture of Japan, where TREHA® was discovered for culinary applications.
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